Have You Lost Your Innerself By Working For A Regular Job? Blame The Term Career Insecurity!!

Ashu Kr
May 21, 2019   •  6 views

We all go through a difficult phase where all feel like shit, literally u feel so dead inside that u keep thinking like has my soul left my body or something? Yes, I am talking about insecurity about your career where your mind sinks in utter numbness, situations might be different for everyone like some moaning over heartbreak, some deprived of job opportunities or people who are stuck in a typical monotonous job life!!

We all have our own ways to overcome this darkness , some chose
to do yoga or medication to calm your mind, whereas some chose to do community
service like working in an NGO to spread affection and to help the needy people
which gives them psychologically a feeling of confidence and self-worth as u
serve kindness !!
Personally, I myself was so messed up with my career that I used
to work in BPOs, no offence to customer support agents they do a great job to
solve and support many hopeless customers.
But just before you step on further to continue like this your mind
reach out to your soul how do u feel? Haven’t we killed our gifted skills which
we had in college, schools like painting, poetry, writing, sports, we took
these potentials for granted .
No matter where you work , what background u come from, what
education you have ,all of us do have that one thing which motivates you as who
u really are , in which you don’t have to pretend that I ll survive and make a
living out of it !
Its not our parents its not our closed ones or your office mates
stopping from being better at the skills you have.
Its you who buried these aspirations claiming that it’s so

Back in college days I used to write poetry it really opened my
sense of closeness towards words, metaphors, rapping, so it went well until i
started working in a job my poetry work started to fade away , we all know that
working under an organisation we are bound to our usual routine , we tend to
disrespect the value of spending our essential time.
We live in a world where our life ends in a vicious circle of 9-5 job, some realise later some of us do regret every day before going to bed.

I say stop overlogging and blocking your mind ,take a leap ,
skip the routine make your time count, If you feel low go watch an inspirational
movie , read that blog which you felt interesting and u had skipped it, Travel
to places where you find of peace of love not where you want to get wasted by
drinking whole night sobbing what u always wanted to be.
Underestimation is just a glitch.
Believing in your true self is the fix.

