Are Laws Keeping Us Safe?

Mar 28, 2019   •  5 views

We Have laws all over the country that are supposed to keep us safe from the threats we face.
But are we really safe by these laws?

There have been many situations where the side that's not guilty of doing anything takes up punishment for the sake of law. Even though the judge may know who the real threat is, he has to go with what the law states.

Could there be a little humanity in law too?
I feel that sometimes the people who have the power should go with feelings and emotions while giving the verdict. Due to more contacts and politics the bad ones are escaping the penalty. This should stop and the only way to do that is but sometimes forgetting what the law says and look at the person and do what your heart tells you to do.

Day by day the rules introduced make the life of a civilized man who has no intention to hurt anyone suffer. In the present situation, you can only live if you tell lies, cheat and do things that are not thought to you in school. The world's becoming a bad place to live day by day. On top of this, rules and regulations only benefit the ones on top, the ones in the middle and bottom are still facing a lot of difficulties.

I am trying to convince the audience to be more human and still encouraging the people with bad intentions and speak the truth and do good to the society, only then will our law help us, until then we have to suffer.

