‌Slowly slowly as I have started knowing, I have understood that no matter even people say that in relationships everything should be shared but still there are many things which belong to you and you have to keep them to you only. Being in a relationship or falling for someone doesn't guarantee forever. Don't ever reveal everything at first only. Everyone pretends to be good in the beginning whether they are actually or not.

Who would like to tell you in the beginningit they are faking it?And here we get fooled, we start believing that if that person really cares for us but we forget that to gain trust, care is important or even just pretending that you care is must and that's why our partner does that. And thinking that our partner really cares ,we tell them everything but the sad truth is no one can solve your problems ,only you can do it. Sharing gains nothing but sympathy. You can share your problems with your friends or the people who have been with your through your darkest times. But sharing them is someone who has just entered your life or gives your butterflies in your stomach and thinking nothing about future consequences is just a foolish decision and nothing more than that. In this world , no one really bothers to know what you are going through or nobody cares to solve your problems when they already have theirs. Think about future consequences before sharing. They might blackmail you or even spread false news about you if your relationship doesn't become successful. Anything can happen , before trusting too easily,just take some time. It's better to wait than to regret. Analyze the person first, observe their ways before surrendering yourself totally. Trust is something which can't be rebuild once it's broken. It's really difficult to trust on someone once you have already got your trust broken.

As they say , "prevention is better than cure" , don't jump on a conclusion, let things go with the flow. Let your trust build properly , don't just rush and say everything . Because if anything wrong happens in the future,you'll have nothing but regrets . Everything takes time to happen,whether it's love or trust, wait for the appropriate time,don't just waitto regret only.Before singing the song of your story ,just wait for the appropriate tunes from them, otherwise you'll just ruin the rhythm of your life .

