Reality is a dangerous place to reside in. Life never came with a warranty card to guarantee you only the sunny warm days. You'd have your part of cloudy days as well! Imagine yourself as a tree standing upright giving shade to the travellers. But then you are struck by a heavy wind making you loose all your calm. This is exactly what happens when you live a life! When a curveball is thrown,you do not have to juggle with it everytime. You've an option to go into hiding for sometime,drowning between the black inks of the erotic pages! There are good days and then there are the dark ones. And then we wish to just run away from the real world searching for another domain to give us a home! And when it comes to find an escape from the mortal world, trust no other than Books! And the most amazing part of this hiding is,you get to choose your type of genre you want to drown in!

To relate with the words, joining the threads and creating your own fantasy is a feel that may calm your nerves. To draw each and every character by opening your creative mind channels take you to another portal. If one may ask me my treasure of life... It is these worthy readings I've given my heart to!

To drown in the imagination,sucking each and every word to the core, moving the fingertips on the pages as they hide in them the long forgotten aspects of human life is a blessing few can afford!Books talk the heart's most enchanting language which an ordinary mortal fail to recognize. The words matches the symphony of your soul while your heartbeat dances to its tune. One true form of love that a reader would have witnessed till now is his relation with books... that aromatic smell when you turn the pages runs down your spine,enough to give you chills!A great mind is a great reader and a mortal's mind must wish to emerge as the processor of wisest of thoughts!!!

For those who refer books as boring, they fail to inherit the ability to experience the wonderland hidden between the words. Such an amusement is reading, the perfect healer for an unsettled heart! An unknown acquaintance just need to have a taste of one word that is capable of making that mortal realise it's true essence.

Books are your greatest companion, the best healer and your biggest escape!
