Why India Is Still A Developing Country?

Arpita Papalkar
Jan 25, 2019   •  23 views

India is the fastest developing country in the world. We all know this. But compared to other developed countries our development is very slow. We are lacking in technology, administration and other social issues. Everyone knows about the problems in India but still chooses to remain silent. Here are some of the reasons I want to discuss.

Lack of unity. India is a diverse country. People have different religions, languages and each religion have their own beliefs. Each religion is trying to dominate other. Somewhere in this haste people are forgetting India. People are too busy to promote themselves where they forgot that we all are from the same country. We are from the same land. Why can’t we just unite and make a better INDIA?

Corruption. So far corruption is being the most important issue in India. Most of the government officials tend to take a bribe for the work to be done. This is affecting people a lot. The innocent people also get affected as they have to pay the bribe for their work to get done. Such type of corrupted people only thinks of themselves forgetting the think that India is the one who has given them the designation at the first place.Due to this corruptions, all the works and procedures get halted for money hindering whole management process as a whole.

Why to select reserved ones instead of deserved ones...

Caste reservation. This is another issue in our country. Everyone wants a reservation. Every caste fights for reservation. But instead of wasting time in such fights why don’t we just concentrate on increasing our knowledge and get admissions and jobs on a talent basis. The talented people who don’t want to become part of reservations just go out of India and make their career abroad.

"Though India has large youth generation, it has been no use so far as people don’t want to live in India."

Illiteracy. Though the condition of education is changing in India so far. Still, in the states like Bihar there is very low literacy rate. The parents below the poverty line don't know the importance of education and couldn't give education to their children and the cycle goes on. The government of India is doing their best to provide education by opening government schools. But the conditions of such schools are very bad.

These are some of the problems faced by India. We as a young generation have to take initiative and increase the importance of education. Let’s join together and make India developed country soon!

