The Great Indian Reservation System

Harshita Garg
Jul 14, 2019   •  131 views

Reservation, a word which is advantageous to some people and even more discouraging and destructive for others.

It's not easy to get admissions in colleges for further studies and in the job sector for the majority of aspirants.

Adding to the difficulties, India is following a long time ago started a tradition of reservation system based on the caste system. In this reservation system, almost 50% of the seats are reserved for the scheduled and backward classes and only 50% left for the general category students. Being more concise, 14.9% for SCs (Scheduled Castes), 7.4% for STs (Scheduled Tribes) and 26.7% for OBCs (Other Backward Classes) collectively 49% of the seats are reserved and 51% are for general category people in any sector, whether it's for college admissions or for government jobs.

Many students out of these reserved candidates are from well-off families who are actually relaxed and does nothing in their schooling and finally gets a wonderful college only on the basis of there category certificate whereas many more candidates are there belonging to general category who even can't afford for a better shelter, clothing, and food and performs very well in schooling still are deprived of higher education due to this reservation system. It's actually an injustice to those who do everything till the college admissions to get a college of their choice. It's not necessary that the so-called high caste students are all rich and belong from well off families and all the so-called low caste students are all poor.

What we need is a reservation system not based on the caste system but in the basis of financial conditions of any student belonging to any caste whether SCs, STs, OBCs or from the general caste so that it maintains the equality between the people and at the same time helps the ones who actually need reservation seats. Also, reservation should not for the seats in the college but for the further fees of the college and other expenditures related to education. Due to this reservation system, the deserving students who have really worked hard for that position are not able to get admissions in the college they want and then half of them are not able to continue with there higher education due to large education fees and another end up in paying more than required which forces them to take loans and thus it increases the burden on them. On the other hand, the students from the reserved categories who didn't deserve to be in the college they get and enjoys there life without any work hard and when it comes to some real competition, they show up their category certificate to outrun from the competition. Also, many of the general category students make there a fake certificate for this reserved seat. This is actually happening because of this pointless reservation system.

Giving concessions in the educational fees after the admissions is a way of fair selection of the candidates and also helps them to complete their education who are not able to do due to financial lack.

Also, training college students to earn money and pay for their expenses makes the students independent and also it lessens the burden from the parents who are struggling to pay their educational fees and expenses.

Thus, with increasing reservation policies, quality of students decreases.

"Reserved seats take the opportunity from the deserved candidates."

