Now Mute People Can Talk To You !

Arhum Ahmad
Apr 11, 2019   •  12 views

Hand Gesture Recognition and voice Conversion

Human beings are blessed with the ability to express their emotions and feelings through words and sounds. A normal person sees, listen and react to the situations by speaking himself out. But we have some less fortunate humans living with us, who are deprived of this valuable gift. Such people generally called as dumb, uses gestures as their language of communication. When a deaf-dumb person speaks to a normal person, the normal person seldom understands and asks the deaf-dumb person to show gestures for his/her needs. Dumb persons have their own language to communicate with us; the only thing is that we need to understand their language.

Gestures may be defined as the motion of the body that is intended to communicate with other agents. A gesture in associate degree extremely language is also a certain movement of the hands with a particular kind created out of them. Facial expressions collectively count toward the gesture, at constant time.

A posture, on the other hand, is also a static variable of the hand to purpose an emblem. Sign Language is the primary means of communication in the deaf and dumb community. As like any other language it has also got grammar and vocabulary but uses visual modality for exchanging information.

Generally, dumb people use sign language for communication but they find difficulty in communicating with others who don’t understand sign language.

A Dumb communication interpreter is a tool that interprets the hand gestures to sensibility speech. But he/she is not always available. For this purpose, this project steps forward to make dumb people more independent and lower the barrier in communication between dumb and normal person.

In this scenario, the dumb aid phone may help us. It is a device that converts the gestures into text and sounds that corresponds to their meaning, which establishes a perfect communication link between a normal person and a dumb person.

Gesture recognition is classed into a pair of main categories:
The disadvantage of vision based totally techniques includes advanced algorithms for the process. Another challenge in image and video method includes varied lighting conditions, backgrounds, and field of scan constraints and occlusion.

The detector based totally technique provides a larger quality.
The primary aim of this paper/research is to enable the communication between people with speaking disabilities and normal people by recognizing hand gestures and efficiently translate language gestures to every text and sensibility voice using wearable computing system.

The interpreter makes use of a glove-based totally technique comprising of flex detector, instrument sensors. For each hand gesture created, a symptom is formed by the sensors appreciate the hand sign the controller matches the gesture with pre-stored inputs. The device not exclusively interprets alphabets but can even sort words exploitation created gestures. A training mode is gettable on the device, therefore, it fits every user and accuracy is inflated. The device will even be able to translate larger gestures that require single hand movement. Gesture recognition implies a method by that knowledge is collected from parts of the physical body (usually the hand) and processed to work out attributes like hand form, direction, and speed of gesture being performed.

Computer recognition of hand gestures has been used to provide a more natural human-computer interface, allowing people to point, select or drag through a virtual screen without touching it. Interactive computer games would be enhanced if the computer could understand players' hand gestures. While there are many different types of gestures, the most structured sets belong to the sign languages. In sign languages, each gesture already has an assigned meaning, and strong rules of context and grammar may be applied to make recognition tractable.

The ASL is the language of choice for most people with hearing and speaking disabilities in the United States. The ASL uses approximately 6,000 gestures for common words and finger spelling for communicating obscure words or proper nouns. However, the majority of signing is with full words, allowing signed conversations to proceed at about the pace of spoken conversation. ASL’s grammar allows more flexibility in word order than English and sometimes uses redundancy for emphasis.

