How Close Mindedness Is Killing Our Society

Apoorva Goel
Feb 05, 2019   •  11 views

When did you hear the most ignorant statement coming out from someone's mouth? I guess, almost every day! This is a sad reality that more than half of the population is suffering from a disorder of close-mindedness. Where you would like to think that close-mindedness is just limited to the people of old generation, the reality speaks otherwise. The youth of our nation, which is expected to be the "bright" future of this country still hold tendencies of being racist, sexist, violent, and ignorant by choice.Let us try to study what close-mindedness actually is, how it is caused and what effects does it have on a person suffering from this disorder.

Close-mindedness is a state of mind which causes unacceptable attitude for a person or group of people, any ideology, lifestyle without any rational reason behind it. It is not a genetic disorder, it is caused by "environmental pollution", i.e., the mental pollution of the people around you. Try to observe what reason parents provide to their child for liking/disliking, following/discouraging anything. Statements like "Do not eat the food your friend brings because he is a Muslim", "I don't like your girlfriend, she is dark skinned", "Your friends are not a good company for you, they don't believe in God", are the agents that transfer close-mindedness from your surroundings to your own mind. When logic is gradually outnumbered by ignorant statements in the early stages of your life, your mind is infected by this disorder.

As the disorder develops in your mind with age, it becomes harder to get rid of it. Logical people become your greatest enemy and symptoms of intolerance and violence grows against humans who are not the part of your tiny acceptable area. The most devastating effect of this disorder is that you end up living a miserable and painful life. Close-mindedness needs to be executed during its inception period rather than waiting for it to grow inside anyone's mind.

Along with the social issues like poverty, illiteracy, pollution that we are currently dealing with, psychological issues like close-mindedness also calls for some serious attention. It is affecting the mental health of a large number of population. Unhappiness, hateful behavior, resentful attitude and intolerance is generating from the close-mindedness of the people.

