The Art Of Paying Compliments

Rach James
Apr 01, 2019   •  2 views

Real praise, the sincere compliment is probably the most useful social tool of all. It's the valued gold coin of our conversation. Yet, today it is in danger of loosing it's brightness. For it is greatly misused and not properly exchanged.

What is a true compliment ? It's one that benefits both giver and receiver . We all like to have our sense of personal worth built up

or pointed out . And when one expert add to another's sense of dignity and speaks favourably of his skill, he is offering a compliment of highest and rarest kind.A compliment differs from flattery in that it is objective and is given without thought of gain. Flattery is often merely excessive praise given for motives other than expressed.

The greatest efforts of human race have always resulted from the love of praise. This could be inspired in childhood. The wise parent makes it a point to compliment a child who deserves it .

There is an art in giving of compliments . Thus the good compliment is always to the point and timing is important . Don't wait to long to tell person how what a good talk he gave. But don't do it immediately when he is expecting it either. Wait and then pass the compliment.

Confidence is the greatest gift that one human can give to another. But that does not mean we should be wasteful of our compliments . Rather we should count them carefully remembering that a good compliment has greater purchasing power than money , that no one is too busy or too successful to receive a word of praise.

