The world is a large place. A cruel one too. Not everyone gets everything. Amidst everything , we always wish to live in a place where there is no discrimination based on caste , Creed , Religion or sex and with no laws , no religion or racism. A place where everyone is equal. Where everyone is treated the same.

Out of all the times that we've wished and wondered that there had been a place like this , we've not been aware of such an amazing place that we only had thought and wished about.

You read it right! There exists a place where there is no discrimination on the basis of caste , creed , religion and sex, where there are no laws , no racism.

Where everyone is treated the same.

This city exists in the south eastern India and is known as "AUROVILLE."

This city was found by a French Native , Mirra Alfassa in the year 1968. She was locally known as "The Mother."

She had this energy to bring in and create this project. She was a spiritual Yogi and a Guru who established Auroville as an experimental town where both men and women of all countries can live in peace and harmony above all Creeds , politics and nationalities.

Quoting her , she once said - "Let nothing short of perfection be your ideal in work and you are sure to become a true instrument of the Divine."

In terms of area , Auroville is about 20 square kilometers and it's integrated between 5 villages. So the 20 square kilometers include the 5 villages.

As of today , 3,000 citizens from about 57 countries call Auroville , "Home" and it's one of the most interesting places one can ever be.

One third of the people living in Auroville are Indians , French would be the second and the German would be the third followed by Italians , Dutch and so on.

Auroville is engulfed in beautiful forests and there's so much to do that one will never want to leave this place. It also has Medical centers , sports fields and 10 schools. One of the school does not have a campus , the students travel around and learn where in another school does not have any particular curriculum , they choose what they want to study and learn everyday.

There are also a variety of restaurants , where in straws from which we drink different drinks , are reusable.

It also has a place called as the "MatriMandir". It is known as the spiritual and physical center of Auroville. It's a place of meditation and not prayers. There are no kinds of prayers , no incense , no worship and no candles.

Silence is the only rule one has to follow , where one sits in silence or stands in silence.

The MatriMandir.

Although technically owned by India , Auroville acts as an independent international community. It gets it's budget from monthly contributions from its residents and it's gets funding from outside organizations such as The UNESCO and the UN.

The UNESCO Youth conference was set up on February 28th , 1968 where in youth from over 124 countries came with a handful of soil from their country and put it in the center of the urn. There's an amphitheatre and it has a white color urm , where in all the soil has been put there as a symbol of unity , representing unity.

Every single Aurovillan , whether you're a doctor or a teacher or a carpenter makes the exact same salary of Rs 12,000/- per month. It also gives the citizens , a lunch , health insurance and free education for kids and free electricity.

The economy of Auroville is nearly cashless. Any commercial activity that is happening generate an income and they pay 33% of their profit , back to the community , which is "The Foundation".

Instead of paper currency , all the citizens are given an account number to pay for things. One has to just write the number to pay and buy things.

They use this number so that they don't have to carry cash around. The fact that everyone knows each other , this place runs on the trust system.

This place really makes us wonder , what if the whole world was like this? Will the world be a better place? This is a question that will be pondered forever.

It is completely a spiritual base and there is no such discrimination. Everyone is treated the same.

Places like Auroville make the world , A better place to live in.