In the age of advancements, where unlimited input on infinite subjects are just one click away , all of which inspires a few to create and contribute to thepool of creative works and encourage the most to fish out these works via unfair means for one's convenience.

Although, this act is popularly known as plagiarism, it is now given some interesting labels that project them as less offensive and more appealing.Today, it is prevalent especially in the field of various arts be it music, literature or films under the veil of "musical remix", "movies inspired from" already existing popular films.

Ironically, as laws concerning orginality and protection of artworks started getting established, the degree of deviation enhanced as people came up with more schemes to infringe those laws and rights.

The important question to be asked ,is whether such recreations of popular artworks indicate the lack of creativity in the newer generations or is it actually their gesture of reverence for the masterminds of those revolutionary works.

Thus, it's high time that such new forms of arts are also brought under scrutiny. Until then, the world shall continue to glorify the new trends of Plagiarism.

