Our busy work schedules barely permit us to life, let alone find out time for reading. Reading can be tricky business, especially when you struggling to find out time to read. But how can we ensure that what we read, gives us maximum gains in a short span of time. Well, you will be happy to know that there is a way to read faster, learn better and retain more knowledge from what you read. Here are eight ways you can it start using to do it today.
When you do sit down to read a book or when you select to read a book, ask yourself, why do you want to read this book? What is it that you are willing to learn from its content? When you ask these questions, you will realize that you will remember much more of what you read. You will focus on the aspects which you can use in your day-to-day lives and associate it with your life more. This is one sure way to remember and retain more from whatever you read, that too, just by asking two simple questions.
Bigger Picture
When deciding on which book to read, you might want to know what you are getting into and for that you need to zoom out. You might want to spend some time, skimming through the book and its contents to see if you are actually interested in reading it. If you don’t have the physical copy then you might want to stick to reading a few online summaries of the book or some books reviews. This should give you a better hang of the book and its aim.
Get Curious
This may sound a little nerdy. But once you do get the idea of what the book is trying to achieve through it’s whatever number of pages, you can list down the questions that you might want the answer to by the end of the book. This practice, will help you retain more ideas from the book you intend on reading. A bit nerdy (okay, a lot nerdy), but it does work, so why not.
Break the book down into major parts or chunks and write them down. This will help you
segment the book into a few broad categories and the learning that you get from each part too would be easy to segregate. When you are breaking down the book into a few broad categories, don’t forget to leave some space for notes, which is the next step!
Note Making
This is not only good for making notes in the classroom, it is also good for ensuring that you grasp whatever you wish to learn from the book. As you read through the book, make sure to put in the knowledge in your own words in the form of notes in your note pad/book/whatever you use for notes. Again, a nerdy trick, but what better way to remember than to write it by yourself in your notebook.
Review the Notes
Once you are done with the re-structure and note making phase, time comes for reviewing phase. When you are finished writing your own summary, go through your notes and think of all the details that you can remember of penetrating to each and every segment or point written. Revision is the key to storing that knowledge in your long term memory.
Share and Present
Maybe the best to learn is to after all teach. Whatever the learning is, make sure to teach it to someone to engage in a discussion with someone or a group of people like a book group meetings. This is a sure shot way to reinforce your learning into your brain and impart it to hundred others in the process of it.
Well, how do you remember what you learn from book?
“Read. As much as you can. As deeply and widely and nourishingly and irritatingly as you can. And the good things will make you remember them, so you won't need to take notes.”
― A.L. Kennedy