Everyone will get dream while sleeping, but psycholist says that if a person who sleeps without having a dream is said to be a proper dream,but why people get dreams while sleeping . For this question still the scientist are Undergoing research but they couldn't get the proper answer. Researchers found that people spend six years of life time on average for dreaming.

It is a fact that most of the people will forget their dream after they woke up in the morning. There are people who claims to dream only in black and white. It is found that men and women dream differently. Men's dream are tend to be more aggressive while the women's dream are more conversational than physical activity.

Even animals normally dream. While dreaming people will cry, laugh they will get emontional attachment while dreaming. Study says that dreams are universal like nightmares. Dreams will also comes from our memories. Or the things that had happy before. Some study shows that if we miss someone we will have a dream of them, if that so I could say we can dream...