"Extroversion is an enormously appealing personality style, but we've turned it into an oppressive standard to which most of us feel we must conform" -Susan Cain

I had always struggled with the question:-

“Are you an extrovert or introvert?
Being introverted or extroverted is a personality, and personality is very hard to change. Being introverted and extroverted is your preference – Do you prefer to be read books quietly, or do you like to talk to people instead?

Ways to become an extrovert :-

  • How to Boost Your Extroversion-The most obvious first step is simply to spend more time with people. If you feel uncomfortable in social situations, that’s probably because you aren’t in them frequently.If you aren’t extroverted, you won’t feel motivated to meet people, and if you don’t feel motivated to meet people, you can’t become extroverted.

  • Find Social Activities You Enjoy-One barrier that forces many people to be introverted is if they don’t see any enjoyable social activities around them.The best way to know new groups of people are through clubs, malls, restaurant's etc.Although you can meet people anywhere, it’s way easier to connect with people if you already have a shared interest and you’re in an environment designed to help you meet new people.

  • Push Your Comfort Zone Limits-The strategy to become outgoing is to crush any social fears you have.Pushing your comfort zone backwards makes it easier to socialize.

Once you’ve gone past your comfort zone, it’s easier to do it again.Don’t beat yourself up if introducing yourself to hundreds of strangers in one day seems terrifying. Build up to it by slowly picking bigger challenges. The key to this tactic is to find the intermediate step between what terrifies you and what you do every day.

  • Learn the Art of Talking -Listening is an important skill. It is probably even more important than talking. However, if you’re in a conversation and you’re fighting an awkward silence, listening only magnifies that fact. Another skill to become extroverted is to be able to talk non-stop.

The Joy of Introversion-

I’ve been always been an introvert.As an introvert, you can get the benefits of peak productivity while working by yourself. Solitude is also useful for thinking and creative work, so being introverted can enhance your other skills.

So, the ideal way to live is to capture the best of both. To have the social skills of an extrovert with the quiet discipline and peace of mind of an introvert.

