Child Is Meant To 'learn'not To 'earn'

Amita Bux
May 03, 2019   •  866 views
“If we can’t begin to agree on fundamentals, such as the elimination of the most abusive forms of child labour, then we really are not ready to march forward into the future.” Alexis Herman

The term “Child Labour” is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, which is harmful to physical and mental development.

Childhood is the happiest moment of a person's life, neither worry nor any responsibility. Just giggling, playing, and enjoying all the moments of life. But it's not necessary for everyone to have such a childhood. At the age of which books and toys should be in their hands, some children have to carry stones and garbage,wash utensils to earn money.We see children doing work at streets but we ignore them, which in turn leads to child labour.It is a matter of shame that few children's lives are being destroyed for money.

Due to poverty, helplessness and harassment of parents, these children go away in this swamp of child labour.The largest child labourer's in the world are in India.

Child labour can be seen in different forms.Any shopkeeper or owner prefers child labour only because he has to pay less in child labour.Large families with low income and often lack of educational facilities, illiteracy and ignorance of parents about the importance of education are some of the reasons which breed child labour.

As the country's population continues to grow, similarly the child labourer's are also increasing, if it is not stopped soon, then it will be the biggest epidemic for our country.

Child labour can be controlled by economic development,increasing awareness and making education affordable across all levels, and enforcement of anti child labour laws.

Child labour is a serious problem for our country, if no cognizance is taken on this soon, then it will hollow the entire country like a termite. Children are the future of our country, if their childhood will be passed in darkness, then how can we imagine a strong India?

Conclusion -Poverty is one of the important factors for this problem.To eliminate child labour, it is necessary to remove poverty.For this, the government has to take some concrete steps. It is necessary not only the government but also the public to participate in it.Every person who is financially capable,takes responsibility for such a children's then the whole scenario will change.



Profile of Sm Wakil
Sm Wakil  •  5y  •  Reply
Good explained
Profile of Nehemiah Bagh
Nehemiah Bagh  •  5y  •  Reply
Yah it's true
Profile of Being Aamir Hasan
Being Aamir Hasan  •  5y  •  Reply
🙁 iski main wjh dirty politics
Profile of Mohit Bux
Mohit Bux  •  5y  •  Reply
Truly said. . .👈