The world won’t give a damn about your passion or talent unless youlearn how to sell it.
No one would bat an eye or stand byYour side in your struggling days,achieve something and they won’tstop gushing about you.
Keep your future plans and projectsto yourself. Achieving them is moreImportant than announcing them onSocial media.
Internet is abode to good people too.Blocking haters and trolls is freakinggolden.
He/She will leave, your family won’t.
No one knows what the future holdsworrying about shit that mighthappen will just ruin your present.
Taking advice from life coaches onthe internet? You might as well listento the nail hanging on your bedroomwall. At least it's easier on yourwallet.
Everyone has an opinion. Listen tosomeone with a solution.
24 hours is a lot of time. You cansleep for 6, study for 6, and followyour passion in the rest. It doesn'thave to be study vs passion.
Behind every successful "I droppedout from college and now I'm amillionaire" there are countlessothers who will never be heard bymedia.
Everyone is fighting their ownbattles behind their online personasRespect them, don't abuse under thegarb of anonymity.
You become the 5 people yousurround yourself with?Bull-crap.You become the people you follow,the content you interact witheveryday, and the stories you hearand watch on the internet.
Dreaming is good,starting is even better.
Pressure to make money is real.
Pressure to keep happy is real.
Pressure to keep the people who're happy with you impressed all the time is real.
Pressure to live up the expectation is real.
Pressure to be good looking and attractive is real.
Pressure to be outgoing and friendly is real.
Pressure to be everything that everyone in the world wants you to be is real.
So Just try to be you.