It is better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness.
Walking through the gate, stepping on the gravels, I walked into my school. This was not a normal day, a realisation shivered my soul. The end was near, end of my school life. Soon I will pass out from the school and walk into the pages of history.
Just one month is left and then I will have to leave my nurturing nest and fly away into an unknown world where there would be no one to pamper me, an entirely new world with situations where the experience of my school life will help me out and there will be a time when I would travel back to this heaven, my school; which I once considered to be a hell on earth, Oh how wrong was I. But these realisations fly away with the passing time and new realisations occupy the mind. But this particular realisation convinced my soul.
This realisation urged my soul to turn the pages of the past. I recalled looking at the clock, to see how much time would be left for recess which was an important part of our daily life in those years and even a one minute delay to that would cause our nerves to burst in anger and hunger and if the bell would strike earlier, then it would bring a broad smile of happiness and victory. We had our small world, limited residents and a happy mindset.
The funniest thing which I found today is wishing the teachers in a sing-song manner. Everything was there, which was not there in the past. I realised today that I cannot have all those things with me forever. Everything comes and goes with time and we are left only with memories.
All this taught me that we have a particular time for all things in life. Like a leaf grown on a tree, it can be there until it falls, after that, the fallen leaf cannot grow and live on the same tree ever again.