Only when we are no longer afraid, do we begin to live
Have you ever been gripped with fear? Yes, it is a fact that we are afraid of so many things in life. Fear is a form of evil that can easily establish a stronghold in a simple person's life.
So, what are some of the fears we face on a daily basis? Well, on top of my head, I come up with fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of being alone, fear of not getting my needs met, fear of rejection, or even fear of success, fear of life's uncertainties.
There are so many causes and circumstances in this world that can overshadow and bring darkness. We are bombarded on every side with job layoffs, marriage breakups, and even financial disasters. The times can be scary indeed. However, His love is unfailing and never absent. Even in the toughest circumstances, God can light the way. In your fears, you are not alone. Even the great Prophets of God expressed fear their fear honestly. They were not afraid, and discovered that God could take care of all their fears; this could be true for us too.
Usually fearful thoughts control our thinking when we go to bed and our home is quiet. Just when we should be the most peaceful and relaxed, we become agitated and anxious. What can we do to break fear's grip on our mind?
Replace frightened thoughts with positive thoughts, thoughts of God- when your mind starts to go down a path that's wrong, blast it with one of your God's words and keep blasting positive thoughts, keep your positivity in focus at all times
Review positive steps you can take in the situation- listening to your favourite songs, focusing your attention somewhere else, doing something productive and positive etc.
So whatever you're afraid of, try to think of that fear is a stepping stone, as a barrier to success. Once you think of your fear as a challenge, it becomes easier to overcome. Remember, if you have courage and positivity, you can sing triumphantly in the midst of your fears.