Democracy Is The Best Form Of Government

Akshit Dhruv
Apr 10, 2019   •  42 views

Democracyis thebesttype ofgovernment from the devel­opmentpurpose. It provideseachindividualcivil rightfor his/her progress and guarantees freedom toeverybodyto requireup any enterprise and activity of his/herselection.Howeverstate protection and securityis additionallyvitalforthe eventof entrepreneurship and economic development.

Therefore,it'svitalfor development thatthe stable. The instability ofthe govt.createsthe sensationof insecuritywithin theminds ofmakersandstaff, traders andcustomers. In spite of the privatization policy, the state continuesto observecostsof commodities and wages ofstaffin order thatthey'renot exploited by the economic playerswithin themarket.

Rudolph and Rudolph (1987) havetriedto search outcorre­lates betweenthe characterof polity of the state and economic characteristics.In an exceedinglydemocratic country, therearea unit2competitorysovereignties: state sovereignty and voter/citizen sovereignty. Heuristically, they use2polarsortidealideasto represent these sovereignties: demand polity and command polity.

The demand polity refers tomattersoncethe government’s policies and programmesarea unitfor theshortedgesof individuals. The allocations and welfare activitiesarea unitdistributedkeeping elections in mind. The model of command polity referstheretopolitical set-upwithin whichallocations and distributionsarea unithomewardto thelong-rungoals andpropertyedgestofolks. The role of the state in command politics isnoncompetitiveand oligopolistic.Within theexisting world,eachthese politiesarea unitfoundin an exceedinglymixedkindtovariabledegrees.

Whichone amongstthe 2polities isadditionalviable and acceptable would bedeterminedby our experiencesand also theconclusionsfell uponbythe students. Rudolph and Rudolph conclude that “the consumption and welfare expenditures that demand politics generateswillimprove the productivity of human capital and enhance legitimacy; theelectorsovereignty that demand politics expresseswillpromote governability by enhancing the legitimacy andpotencyenabled bynationaland producer commitment” (ibid.: 211-14).

The command politics relates to the postponement theory,thatbelieves in investment formaking certainfuture development atthe priceofthe currentdesiresandwantsof thefolks. Amartyasubunithastriedto estimatethe pricetogiftgener­ations of postponement-oriented development efforts.

For example, in China andcountry,wherevershortpolicies directly benefiting the poor wereadditionalvisible than they were inAsian country,the typicalgenerationwithin thelateSixtieswassixty nineyears, compared withfifty twoinAsian country. Sen, in askinghoweverlongit mighthave taken the Sri Lankan economyto succeed ina financial gainleveldoubtlessto supporta meangenerationofsixty nineyears if it hadendowedin capital formationand fewerin social expenditure, concludes thatit mighthave taken somewhere betweenfifty eightand 152 years.

