There are about 5500 Business Colleges in India and about 3 Crore students are studying in universities. It is a dream of parents to see their children successful in their life and to fulfill this dream they take education loan for their child's study but are their children able to fulfill their dreams ?
According to a report, about 93% MBA graduates are unemployed but the problem is underemployment. Students take loans in lakhs to pursue a course in a private institution but these institutions don't think about the student's future.
They are here just to make profit by appointing cheap faculty.
The salary of lecturer in these institution is about 25,000/ month whereas the salary of lecturers/professors in universities like Harvard, Stanford, etc is about 16 Lakhs/ month. With these figures we can compare the level of knowledge and understanding of the professors in both the institutions.
Today, 28% Job Reduction is being done due to Automation , Artificial Intelligence and Lean Management Process. This can be stopped only of we will have skilled workers in industry. The literacy rate of youth in India is about 92% ( Pen and Paper based not Understanding based). But why do we face job problems with this youth literacy rate, the reason is because today the students study just to take a degree and find a job for themselves.
Today, students have a filled mind not a formed mind and filled mind cannot give you anything.
Foreign universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Wharton work on student's field work. Their studies are based on case studies and projects which makes students more practical and this is the demand of corporate world. Here, student search for fake projects which are easily available in market and affects their study.
Needs of Corporates- Hiring 1 person who can do the work of 5 people alone.
But the actual scenario in our country is completely opposite to their need and this is due to the traditional education system
Youth are the pillars of a developing country. If youth will be mentally strong and educated then it will be a plus point for us as it will help in development of our country. So , we should make everyone aware about this problem of the institutions so that they can think about student's future other than their profit.