Ever wonder why the sight of anything that requires to count makes you want to bang your head against the wall? Well, you’ve clicked on the right blog! Let me tell as to why you hate the M-word (let’s not say that cursed word).

Let’s get a bit technical. It’s all about how you use your brain.

Basically, your brain is divided into 2 halves or hemispheres: the left and right hemispheres. Each hemisphere is responsible for different functions or abilities that you possess.

The left hemisphere is responsible for the control of the right side of your body and the right hemisphere for the left. Yeah it surprised me too when I first heard it.

No wonder we are so ‘twisted’, am I right *finger guns*? Okay sorry that was a bad joke.

But going back to the brain, the left side is responsible for performing the academic and logical tasks, like things related to science and math. The right hemisphere is responsible for performing tasks involving creativity and artistic things.

This is where individual differences come in. Some people tend to be left brain thinkers or right brain thinkers. This basically means that either side of the brain is used more extensively than the other.

Scholars who study the science of the brain say that, logical,left-brain thinkerstend to understand things insequential bits (as in required in math), whileartistic,intuitive, right-brainersare more global. A lot of the information is usually taken in a lot at a time and allowed to just settle in. People who are left-brain dominant may grasp concepts quickly while right-brain dominant people do not or require patient tutoring.

Some of the common causes for trouble other than the technical nature:

1.Dyscalculia is a learning difficulty that results in a struggle with formulas, shapes, and number-related concepts. This difficulty makes it tough for students to understand and process math problems. These students have trouble with number-related problems that don’t improve with ongoing practice and usually fall far behind most other students.

2.They simply don’t like math. This is math anxiety. For them, math causes unwarranted feelings of fear and failure that punches their ability to perform in the gut. The pressure and lack of confidence make students feel like math causes their brain to freeze. These students tend to forget even the things they do know.

Math is a cumulative subject. Higher concepts can only be understood if the basics are solid. The problem often lays here- in the basics. If your base is poor, you will have trouble when the alphabet gets introduced with numbers!

