No one's ever said that long distance relationships are easy, but the distance doesn't have to ruin your relationship either. With the right commitment and communication, long distance relationships can actually be more stable than geographically close relationships. Simple adjustments to your attitude and lifestyle can help you keep your loved one in your life.
A study actually suggests that couples in long distance relationships have more meaningful interactions than those who see eachother on daily basis, and this leads to higher level of intimacy.There will be more freuqent communications in long distance relationship and in those communications, they'll actually discuss much more deeper issues like what is they want in the future, how they see love and importance of trust.
There are some tips which will actually help you in your long distance relationship.
Have some sort of plan on how you'll be living with each other in the future-
You may feel something really strongly for this person, but unless there is some type of path to being together in the future it is really not worth investing your emotional energy into this person. Be real
about what actually going on. Be real sbout logistics of your relationship because if you continue to lie to yourself, you are going to waste so many precious years of your life hoping that something is going to change when it just not.
Focus on quality time not quantity time-
People in long distance relationship think that constant contact is the best way to maintain the relationship but it's not. It's all about quality time of those interactions that really matter. It's better to kind of wait throughout the day let the tension build up and have that time at the end of the night maybe before going to bed where you can really have that quality time where it's just you and him talking. Don't over communicate.
Visit often
Try to make the time to visit each other as often as possible or as often as your budget permits. You need to see each other in person at every opportunity. Make a regular visiting schedule or at least make plans for the next visit as soon as each one ends. Face-to-face communication is just as important as having relationship satisfaction, commitment, and trust.
Note- The pictures used in the article are google images.