“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Mark Twain

Self-improvement is universal to the human experience; we all have things we’d like to change about ourselves. Perhaps you want to lose weight, improve your skills in a certain area, be more comfortable socially, be happier, or more productive. Whatever the ultimate improvement desired, in order to achieve it you may benefit from identifying your specific goals, enacting change, and coping with setbacks.

Here you have some steps on how to improve yourself everyday and grow as a person:

Accept yourself as you are

Free your wings and prepare your ground level; which meansknowing who you are, accepting and loving yourself as you are. That is the point where you should start because (you see?), how you are and who you are today is enough to create your brilliant tomorrow. Accept and love yourself as you are: body, soul, and mind. You are the center of a universe, your universe.

Imagine what it could be like in the future-

Thinking about future positive and negative possibilities enhances motivation, expectation of successful goal completion, and commitment to self-improvement.Thinking about a positive future helps you imagine a reality where you are the best self you can be, while imagining a negative reality results in an awareness of what might happen if you do not meet your improvement goals.

Determine what needs improvement and what doesn't

It is important to be specific in your goals, and to know which goals are a top priority. Identify your assets and your liabilities . This may help you identify the areas in which you want to make the most improvement. Also Prioritize your list of goals. Rate each goal from 1-10, 10 being the highest priority for you. Focus on this goal first

Get feedback

Receiving feedback about what to improve upon helps individuals’ performance on tasks, and enhances goal-achievement.Thus, asking others ways you can improve will help you develop specific goals and motivate you on your journey. Start by asking your significant other or family members ways they think you can improve yourself. Make sure you only ask individuals whom you trust and those that will take your feelings into consideration. You might be surprised by their answers.

Be your own coach

Self-coaching or checking in with yourself on a daily basis has been linked to increases in self-improvement, especially in terms of leadership qualities. Daily check-ins facilitate awareness of your current performance and your ability to achieve goals. Ask yourself questions like, “Did I focus on or work toward my goals today? Did I have a positive attitude today? Was I kind to myself today? Did I accept my challenges today? Did I change something for the better today?”. Whatever it is that you're trying to improve, take time to practice regularly.

Note- The pictures used in the article are google images.

