How Stressful Situations Can Just Get A Little Better?

May 23, 2019   •  11 views

"How do people ask kids what do you want to be when you grow up? As if growing up is finite, as if at some point you become something and that’s the end.” - Michelle Obama

“The time to relax is when you don’t have the time for it.” - Sydney J. Harris

Feeling stressed in today’s world is quite inevitable. We encounter stress everyday, while driving through traffic, falling behind schedule, in managing big projects etc. We can’t avoid stress but can surely learn how to deal with it in order to live a less stressful life.

Following are some of the ways that can help you in distressing:

1. Do what you love - Engaging yourself in something productive or just doing something you love, can instantly make you feel better. It can be as simple as listening to a song, watching a movie or an episode of a TV series, going for a walk, drinking coffee or as seemingly tedious as sitting down and writing something. Any form of an escapist art can help oneself in distressing.

2. Spend time with your loved ones - Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself, the ones who make you feel wanted in some way or the other. It really helps a person grow. Sometimes just being with someone without actually talking to them, can make you feel so much better. That’s the beauty of such relationships, so much is said without saying much at all.

“After this you’re going to face a lot of times when you’ll be confused and lost. But during those times you should come home and talk to your old friends. Because while everything around you is changing, you’ll be happy to know that there are a few things that remain constant. And it’s important because these constants are comforting.” - unknown

3. Live in your solitude - At times, spending time with yourself and keeping everything else at bay can really help you gain rationality in your thoughts. Try reflecting on your decisions and understand the reasons why you’re stuck in such a situation. Do not lose yourself in the process of figuring out life. Accept the reality and strive for the best, everything else will take care of itself.

4. Love yourself - If you’ve the ability to love, love yourself first. Life is easier when you accept your flaws and let them just be. Embracing yourself will not make you feel insecure about your flaws. Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate. Treat yourself with dignity and not hostility.

5. Stop thinking that you’re the only one going through this - More than 7 billion people are living on this planet, and many of them would be going through situations far worse than yours, everyone has their own story. It will hurt, because it matters. You cannot be in a cacoon to prevent your soul from crashing down.

Life’s not happening again, let it happen to you today and put you at amaze.



Profile of Khushi B
Khushi B  •  5y  •  Reply
The stress which helps us perfrom better is called eustress.♥ nicely written.
Profile of Rakshita Upadhyay
Rakshita Upadhyay  •  5y  •  Reply
hey you wrote well.keep it up.please check my profile and like my wrytups