You've this one life. You ain't guranteed multiple lives. You want to own it or disown it? You want to life it or let it pass on its own? It lies in your hands, yeah between your own fists. Like sand passing from your palms, life is flowing away from your hold every second. You can't hold it close to you forever.

You may spend hours being angry or weeping over things. You may spend days regretting your decisions or justifying your past mistakes. You can waste your entire life complainging you didn't get enough of life or time.

But who are you fooling? Who is facing the consequences? Don't you see everything you choose to do is either in your favour or against your very existence?

I don't say failires don't come & you can never have your bunch of bad days, at times even some worst days. What I'm saying is you need to replace that negative lens you see everything with a positive lens. You need to seek good in everything that happens within you & around you.

You gotta master the art of living. Really. We all live. But, only some of us learn the art of living while we are here.

There are lessons scattered around like spring blossoms. What you need to do is pay attention to them. Breathe in the aura of blossoming lessons.

Hold yourself accountable for everything you do. Be like a mirror reflecting forms of reality. The power that comes with holding yourself accountable & learning through that whole process is magical.

You are magical. Repeat that to yourself through every storm you encounter. You are capable of perfoming miracle with the essence of faith in your own self.

Live while you can. For "Zindagi na milegi Dobara. "