Humans are emotional beings. We feel way too deeply & at times give our emotions the power to make or break us as they can. Our emotions is what makes us human, true that, but controlling our emotions is definitely the key to being a more stable human being..
Our emotions can either let us down or through them we can lift ourselves up as we aspire to.
Talking about emotion intelligence, it's precisely the art of balancing our emotional state. It doesn’t focus on not being emotional at all. Rather, it focuses on learning to express the emotions in a way that they don’t end up having disastrous consequences on us.
And particularly it's important for school teachers to possess this very art. Why is that?
Because school is a learning place, a second home for students. They grab what they perceive, quite quickly. If teachers fail to control their emotions, they'll end up devastating their relationships with students. I mean, who listens to an angry annoyed teacher?
Teachers often express the frustration caused by their own personal problems in classes. And what’s the result? Students lose interest in learning that subject & cam easily sense how they are bearing because of the personal issues of the teacher.
And, what will happen if teachers can master the art of emotional intelligence?
A friendly environment will be generated in the class. And, a balance will be established between learning & having some fun too. As put by Dale Carnegie,” When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.” These words are worth implementing. No?
Moreover have you noticed, how students associate with teachers who are calm & composed? I mean, who wouldn’t want to deal with people who are at peace with themselves? This is the fruit of emotional intelligence. Teachers who are always exploding for one reason or another are disliked by one & all. And you exactly know why. Emotional balance definitely is the need of the hour.
Plus, everyone is dealing with one or another problem. Students, especially are quite sensitive. They have issues they might not even voice ever. A soft word, sober behaviour from teacher is really appreciated by them.
Teachers are role models for teachers. What they do & how they behave is a teaching for their students, too, even though they may not realize it.
Undoubtedly, emotional intelligence is a must for everyone, specifically, for the school teachers for they are taken as an example by their students.