“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” – George R.R. Martin

How beautifully true is this above saying?

Book reading is one of most blissful hobbies I can ever possesss. It's something that never fails to bless my tired soul with the sweet touch of knowledge & healing. It's something that ceaselessly bedecks my ached mind & heart with breaths of peace. It's something that makes me feel human.

As humans, we have just one life. Yes? But when you read, you read about million other lives, moments of joy, moments of suffering, moments of struggle, & moments of strength. What beauty is that! Carrying so many lives within your heart. Feeling & experiencing so much.

At times, we are so overwhelmed by our glee & gloom that we are totally full of ourselves. But, when we begin to read about the forms of pain that actually exist in the world, we are drenched in a sense of acceptance & learn to appreciate & value what all we own.

Book reading humbles you too because knowing how big this world is makes you acknowledge your contributions towards it. You develop understanding towards yourself & everything around you.

Book reading makes you question your way of living & appreciating. It makes you more & more of human.

Book reading broadens your perception. You see things with a different lens. You enjoy things with a refrshed fervour.

Book reading defeats your ignorance. You no longer are unaware while reading a reading a book. Be it one word or one idea, book reading enhances your knowledge. And, surely nourishes your soul.

Book reading adds beautiful set of words to your vocabulary. Moreover, there are so many books, so many themes, so many subjects, so many authors, & ah! So many stories to read. You can never get bored. You have got a big lot to choose from.

Incredible, no?

So, what are you waiting for? Grab a book & read, read & read.

