To the person who was always there but I failed to acknowledge his presence.
You were there when I was crying my eyes out and people were judging from beside. You had tearladen eyes too but you didn't come up to me.

You were there when I was celebrating my victory and people were stealing my thunder. You didn't come up but had a big smile.

I was so comfortable with you being there all the time that I failed to call you up anytime soon.
See you feel like home. You are home.
Now that we are "together" together, I'll acknowledge you well.
I see your crinkled smile , your clenched fists, your longing eyes, your heavy breath.
You are what love means to me . You always will be.
Say 100 years from now, we'll be no individual bodies. We'll be dead outside. We'll be one body. We'll be so alive this time.

Mazel tov to the oblivion called us.

