Books Every Student Should Read

Afreen Anjum
Jul 21, 2019   •  9 views

The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read” – Mark Twain

There are five books that are going to help transform you from an average procrastinating student ,letting your potential die with you ,to a A star ,exceptional student. That has mastered studying ,mastered discipline and good habits.

And it does not matter what age you are ,or which type of student you are . Whether you are a school ,college ,university or you are just for lifelong learning .These books are going to help you no matter where you are.And these books have been picked to help you with the common problems you face that are procrastination , laziness ,low-energy ,distraction .

How do you become productive and what are the books that are going to help you to stop that laziness and activate and unleash that potential inside you?


The First book isMastery by George Leonard.This is the book that is going to draw on Zen philosophy and help you with the lesson from Martial Arts to understand what is the journey going to be like ?The journey of mastery, what does it look like ?Because when you understand the path that you are going to be walking you are able to navigate the pitfalls, you are able to escape the trap that 90% of the people are going to fall into. So that your path immediately becomes easier.

2.Atomic Habits

The second book is relatively new new and it’s by James clear. And the book isAtomic Habits.And he present an easy and proven way to build effective good habits ,when the least count of effect and the highest amount of reward .And one of the key principal that James Clear talk about is you need to find out what your minimum viable habit is and that means ,when you are trying to create a habit of walking up early and studying in the morning don’t tried to do the most complex thing first instead think about the simplest starting point could be

• what is the minimum viable habit ?

•what is something that is so easy to do, you could do it in just 2 minute?

•what is something that is so easy to do, you could do it in just 2 minute?

And then from there keep increasing it , keep graduating those habits, just like you graduate in the classroom .until you are go from two push-ups a day to thousands .

3.The Secret To Success

Next book is the one by the motivational master Eric Thomas .The bookisThe Secret To Success.It’s a straight to the point to book .It’s punchy . It’s motivating . It’s everything that you would expect from ET and it’s going to help you to understand

one; the journey that Eric Thomas to go from a high school dropout to an internationally renowned best -seller author .But it’s also going to help you to understand that step and principal that Eric used to become the person that he is today .

4.Big Magic

The next book is one calledBig MagicElizabeth Gilbert .Now we all know being a student on the surface seems easy but in practice can be difficult .when you are sat in the library and you are flicking through your phone on extra time, looking at Instagram and any other social media.

How do you stay focused and how do you stay creative?

Well in this Elizabeth Gilbert goes through process of how fear and creativity work and how the two of them influence your work .

5.The War of Art

The next book isThe War of Artby Steven Pressfield .And in this book he talked about the difference between the amateur, the part time played whose show up when they feel like it. Which some of you are The part time player .

You revise when you feel like it .

You give a 110% when you feel like it.

You put your hand up in class when you feel like it .

and in between the amateur and what is Steven Pressfield called the pro is resistance .Now you can use the word resistance,you can use the word Procrastination ,you can use the word distraction but it all reference the same obstacle ,but how to get past that ? This book is going to help you to do exactly that .



Profile of Shabab  Anwar
Shabab Anwar  •  4y  •  Reply
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