Ah! Self sufficiency, a skill which is very much respected in the high society. In a world where no one thinks about something as their personal problem and take full responsibility to improve upon it, a self sufficient person would try to make changes and do everything on his own. Self sufficiency can be ranging from anywhere, from Elon Musk type stuff to a guy living alone in an apartment. You see Elon Musk has many departments in his company and he grants them holidays one at a time just to cross-check their work and man it shows that’s a hardworking guy, plus he knows the work of every department. Mad respect!

But we are not Elon Musk, I am proud of you if you are trying to be like him, but on our personal level self sufficiency can improve your skill set and make you less reliable on others.

Improved skill set, from learning to wash your own clothes, cleaning your own house, getting grocery, and many other things teaches you how to manage your definite time.

It sharpens the survival part of your brain, imagine your maid notified you that she won’t be coming today, your house looks like a mess from last night’s party and you have some special guests coming over, if you know how to organize you’ll definitely emerge a victorious man.

This is important, when you are self sufficient the value for your things increases as you’ll respect them more, you’ll realize how much work your mom does.Since childhood some lucky enough people get their everything done by the help of their moms and dads, do you know when movie shows success stories why the protagonist is always poor or going through some crazy stuff which we can't even imagine? Because those are the moments that every person sees in his life at some point, only those people get their movie made we power through and not give up. Life will give you opportunities to be self sufficient and reliant it's on you how you take it.

We are responsible for our own mess and we hold the power to change them too, so get off your high horse Mr. and do your own work.

Self-esteem, yep. If you are regularly being Gandhi in your life your confidence will skyrocket too. Why not? You can do everything on your own and believe me it will be enlightening to know that you need no man.

Even cleaned your own room by yourself and felt proud? Imagine if you are feeling good just by cleaning your room how good you might actually feel when you do some other tasks too.

So do your own work, wash your own dishes, wash your own undies, clean your room on your own and go about life as it is your business, it’s your mess and if you are free from yourself then help others, because that’s a human virtue.


