Anger And The Reactions It Incites

Jun 06, 2019   •  12 views

"Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret."

-Ambrose Bierce

Anger is perhaps the most well-known feeling for everybody. We have all felt this feeling, whether it's towards our friends or family, strangers or acquaintances, at atleast one point of time in our lives, we have felt angry towards everybody. Be it against our parents for their overbearing affection, the neighbour's dog for its incessant barking or life for its unfairness (I am not really sure how this works, but it still happens). In fact, I have seen people get angry at even inanimate objects, for example a traffic light (Mr.Traffic Light, you need to be the most careful one, a lot of people have it in for you for your bad timing). In a way, anger is a very noble feeling, it doesn't discriminate. Nobody is exempt from this feeling, not even God himself (To those up above: Please don't send any bolts of lightning my way, I am not lying, check your biographies). The only difference is how each one of us chooses to react to this feeling.

(Cartoon courtesy of Mike Shapiro)

Anger is considered one of the basic emotions, along with happiness, sadness, anxiety, and disgust. Wrath, if you want a better name for anger, is one of the seven deadly sins (personally, I think this sounds better, at least 'Feel my wrath' sounds better than 'Feel my anger'). A person's reaction to anger is very interesting to notice, because it's quite unique (as long as I am not at the receiving end, I guess everything’s interesting). We have the beaters, the screamers, the runners and the statues among many.

  • The Beaters : These are the people who beat up everybody in the vicinity once they get riled up (or maybe just the one guy).

  • The Screamers : As the name implies, these people tend to scream at everyone and pass the fault onto everyone but themselves.

  • The Runners : These people just tend to exit the scene when they are angry.

  • The Statues : They end up frozen on the spot.

"When you get angry, take a breath and count to 10. Throw a punch at 8, nobody expects that."

- Anonymous

Basically anger is meant to be a source of motivation and a way to relieve stress. As soon as you vent, you release all the pent-up frustration and this helps prevent an emotional and nervous breakdown.

(Cartoon courtesy of Randy Glasbergen)

