In today's world of technology everybody wants and dream to have a perfect and a healthy body. This can be achieved by doing exercise, yoga, running, walking and healthy eating habit.

Most people got confused and co-relate yoga with exercise. But Yoga and Exercise are not same, they are two different things yet both are suppose to achieve a healthy body and soul.

Yoga aims at both body and the soul but exercise give results only for the body. Yoga gives the mental peace with the good physique while exercise helps to build muscles and strength.

Yoga include asanas, meditation, stretching. Exercise include weight training, machine exercise, skipping , jumping, aerobics etc.

Yoga soothes the whole body,soul and mind. As yoga include stretching so it can be done before high intensity workouts as warm up and after exercise to relax the body through stretching to prevent any injury to the muscles and the bones.

There are particular exercise to target the particular part of body. But yoga asanas effects the whole body, like surya namaskar suppose to be the best workout for every part of the body.

Yes it is true that yoga takes more time than high intensity exercises to show results but the regularity and the continuity for yoga is worth the wait. It takes time as that it's results are long lasting. Yoga needs patience and as the saying " THE FRUIT OF PATIENCE IS SWEET".

Healthy living doesn't mean to have a good physique only but to have a sound mind with the sound body. Yoga is also known to be a stress buster as stress can devastatingly effect body and the soul and further leads to the backache, migraine, neck pain etc. Many problems and diseases can be cured only through the meditation itself.

Yoga itself is a kit of treament for many and almost every disease. Studies shows that many incurable diseases have been cured through the yoga asanas, breath techniques of yoga and meditation.

Everyone should takeout atleast 15-20 mins. from their busy schedule for them in which they can relax their minds through meditation. It will also improve the work effeciency as the sound mind will work better and faster.