Friendship :- A Selfishness Between Two People

Aashna Mittal
May 24, 2019   •  47 views
Friends are like footprints, they may walk away someday but the impression is gonna stay forever.

Friendship can be defined as a state of mutual attachment or alliance between two people regardless of their gender , caste, community, religion to which they belong.

It is right to say that every relationship has that self intrest except for the one which we have with our parents. "Selfish" is a word which always portrayed as negative word. Being selfish to some extend is never wrong, afterall we all are alive today behind which we all have that selfish motive that we all wanna enjoy our lives, earn that name and fame , so why not be selfish in friendship??

Friendship can be selfish until and unless it doesn't harm both the persons. We make friends with whom we consider is a perfect person to share our thoughts with, to enjoy our success, our happiness, and the one who will always be there in our bad times. Hence it can be said that friendship is a good selfish motive.

Friendship is a devoted feeling of love and deep affection. Good friends fill your life with joy, happiness and together makes lots of memories to cherish.

दोस्ती कभी बड़ी नहीं होती उसे निभाने वाले हमेशा बड़े होते हैं

In today's world, our society, our generation tends to pay an emphasis on romantic relationships. People think if they can just find that right person, they are happy and fulfilled and that was all they needed in their life. But that's not correct. Friends play an important role in our life. They are important to our psychological welfare. It's truely said that 'friends bring more happiness to our lives than virtually anything else'.

बीते पल कभी गम के, कभी ख़ुशी के आंसू छलका जाते हैं |इन बीते पलो को दोस्त ही यादगार बनाते हैं | बिना दोस्त जिंदगी में खुशियाँ नहीं आती |
