India is a large industry of travel and tourism . It provides various tourism products like adventure, medical, sports, eco-tourism, religious, film tourism . India is also a major destination for spiritual tourism .
Total contribution from this industry is expected to increase from ₹15.24 trillion in 2017 to ₹32.05 trillion in 2028 . India was ranked 7th largest in terms of GDP contibution of travel and tourism among 187 countries in 2017. Among all the Foriegn Exchange Earner in India, travel and tourism ranks third. Foriegn tourist arrivals for medical purposes increased from 427,014 in 2016 to 495,139 in 2017 .
In 2017 - 18, 81 million people were employed in this industry in India which was 12.38 % of the total employment . The Government of India has set to increase foreign tourists to 20 million in 2020 and also to double up the foriegn exchange earnings .
The Government of India launched initiatives like ' Athiti Devo Bhava ' and ' Incredible India ' to focus on the growth of travel and tourism sector. The Government also released a category of visa : Medical visa or M-visa to encourage the medical tourism. In September 2018, the Government also released ' Incredible India Mobile App ' to help the tourists to India and to showcase major experiences they can have in the country . In October 2018, ' The Statue Of Unity ' was inaugurated as a tourist attraction . It is the tallest statue in the world and is expected to increase the tourism in the country .
According to the recent TSA ( Tourism Satellite Accouting ) research released by WTTC ( World Travel and Tourism Council )
1) The demand of the travel and tourism industry in the country is expected to grow by the rate 8.2 % in the period 2010 - 2020 which will place India on the third spot in the world list .
2) India's travel and tourism is estimated to be the second largest in the world in terms of employment by employimg more than 40,000,000 people till 2019 .
3) Capital investment in India's travel and tourism industry in the period of 2010-2019 is expected to grow at a rate of 8.8 % .
4) India is expected to be the fifth fastest business travel destination by having a real growth rate of 7.6 % .