Feel Like Giving Up ? – But Don’T Ever!

Aarti Nandrekar
Jun 18, 2019   •  43 views

Don’t fear challenges and give up… see them as opportunities. Be the light of your own courage! Be the light and be the dark!

From my childhood, I have seen instances of people giving up on things. This is what I chose not to learn ever!

But still, we all feel that way! When you simply know that you can't take it any longer.

In many ways, life appears harsh and too bare. It is that we are making efforts to build up, feels like we are losing. It's not that new thing. Trust me! It happens to everyone. The sad days swallow the remaining happiness and make you sad for the rest of the life.

So listen to me- Whatever is the cause, whether it's deep grief or something else. 

Remember the rule that one should never give up! 

Whether it's something inside you or outside you- a goal you want to achieve!

 So, whether it's battling through conflicts inside you caused by outside chaos or cracking a competitive exam. It can be cruel pressure by social aspects or resettling your career. 

Tell me what is life? A continuous flow of events with small dots-to-be continued on some other branch yet continuing itself. Look at a river and tell me – Is the flow without any friction? The water gets collided with stones, sometimes it gets smashed up by the legs of travelers. And there are other people who firstly damage the environment and then later curse the river for flooding and destroying people's life. Do you think the life of the river is easy anyway! Definitely Not!

If something as non-living yet life-giving element's life and the journey is not easy, then how can be yours?! You are comparatively in fact so much alive. You are a moving, eating, breathing human. The person who has emotions, hopes and joys, and sorrow! Hence why you should expect life to be without challenges! Do you think a life without challenges worth living? No, it is not!

Challenges make us who we are. Challenges are needed to be welcomed. They are needed to be cherished. They are creating opportunities for you to become the best version of you. I am not saying you should be thankful towards it! But try to see!

 Challenges can come in any form an angry teacher or professor, a jealous friend, an unhappy self, survival issues, toxic parents, toxic friendships and relationships, or worst a group or community of people are against you because you are different and you can see more than what they see! Anything can become a challenge!

Don't fear challenges and give up. Be the wolf! Don’t think you are alone! A single atom has the capacity to destroy the world, I would say human beings are luckier, at least we are molecular. You know not just one atom but a bunch of them!

You don’t have to prove yourself. Be the light of your own courage!

Giving up can never be the solution. Failure cannot stop you if only you realize failing or success is secondary but primary is having the courage to keep learning from it and continue the journey!

Keep learning and be curious!

My Best Wishes!


This article was always published here. Recently it was given to the author of Myriad of emotions. But it was canceled. That is the only personal leak of this article. Thank you!





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Profile of Nishu Tripathi
Nishu Tripathi   •  5y  •  Reply
Nice 👍
Profile of Aarti Nandrekar
Aarti Nandrekar  •  5y  •  Reply
Thanksss nishuuu!!
Profile of Komal
Komal   •  5y  •  Reply
You are filled with magic and a light that is meant to shine bright enough to push out the darkness that we so easily hide behind. Beautiful ♥️ I am so proud of you.
Profile of Aarti Nandrekar
Aarti Nandrekar  •  5y  •  Reply
Thank u so muchhh komalll🥰
Profile of Khushi B
Khushi B  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Aarti Nandrekar
Aarti Nandrekar  •  5y  •  Reply
My pleasure!!!
Profile of Kashish
Kashish  •  5y  •  Reply
I have read your all articles and will b reading more. I expect same from u. Do read my all wrtups. Looking forward to hear from u soon....from Kashish
Profile of Aarti Nandrekar
Aarti Nandrekar  •  5y  •  Reply
Yes why not 😁!!!!