Body painting has been in customary and styling practice from decades. it's an ancient art and practice among many communities of this world, some of them are very crucified regarding this custom of picturing symbols on the body. But still there is a negative perception about this tattoo buisness among some group of people. some senior group of this modernised society thinks that this tattoo thing spread some kind of negative aura around it which is attracting the younger generation rapidly

Digital world has a crucial role of increasing this tattoo buisness. with growing technologies more and more individuals gets attracted towards this art of body paintings. They find this practice kind of fun and cool among the newer generation. But group of folks perceives this custom as a tool for character judgment. They see a tattooed person as a source of negative energy which will spoil others in society. And if the tattooed person is a women then they just give her a proper title of such as destroyer of societies cultural values. This is what the tabboo about tattoos are in the society. In UK this practice is common its not a big issue, in some part of Africa this is a part of their culture and tattooed men or women are termed as the strongest among the group. also in some region of North Eastern India this art is used to demonstrate the ancient myths and belief regarding their religion. But in cenntral or northern India specifically this is not a good thing to be a part of, according to old folks of society. but actually there's nothing wrong in this art if its perused in a right manner without offending any religion, group, race or any controversial aspects.

with growing tattoo buisness the criticism is also growing and along with that the support and enthusiasm among the younger generations is also growing. There's always thus said that everything in society goes hand in hand.

The tabboo regarding tattoo is not really a major thing in the society to discuss but it's just a matter of belief which needs to be corrected.

