
Self reflect often - Image source: instagram


We all are busy chasing our biggest dreams, trying to do everything that is needed to reach our destination. Amidst all of this, we forget to look back and reflect every once in a while on ourselves. Most of us are completely oblivious to who we are or what are our strengths and weaknesses. While trying to win the race, we forget to prepare ourselves for it.

What is self-reflection?


What is self-reflection - Image source:  images

Self-reflection is the ability of humans to think about their own feelings, behaviours and actions. Self-reflection is a way to become aware of ourselves, our beliefs and motives. Self-reflection is concerned with taking a step back from everyday life and ponder upon the choices and decisions that we have made in the past. Many of the most successful people consider it to be one of the most important assets to achieve dreams.

Related: Self-reflection

Importance of self-reflection

When we don't self reflect we keep pushing through life, without analysing what we did wrong and what we did right. We keep doing the same things and keep getting the same results. Self-reflection is important in a variety of ways:

1) Makes us self aware: When we take time and stop to reflect back upon our decisions, we understand what led us to failures or achievements. Self-reflection makes us aware of our motives and actions. It is a step towards self-discovery and self-growth.

Related: The importance of self-awareness


Self awareness - Image source: images

2) Better thought process: One of the biggest benefits of self-reflection is that it helps us change our thought process. When you are aware of your thoughts and the outcome they produce, you know what has to be changed to get the desired outcomes. Our thoughts are the pathway towards our success. Self-reflection stimulates us to improve our thoughts by making us well aware of their consequences.

Related: improve critical thinking skills

3) Better decision making: Our entire life is about making decisions, big or small. So, the art of decision making is something that we need to learn efficiently. Better decision making is directly related to a better thought process. When your mindset is right and set towards your goals, you know what decisions to make to reach them. Self-reflection helps you make big decisions of your life correctly, leading to fewer regrets.

Related: habits for better decision making

4) Reduces anxiety: Self-reflection gives an insight into who we are and who we want to be. It makes us confident in our decisions and actions. Self-reflection is the key to a peaceful life. Anxiety is a consequence of uncertainty and excessive worry of the future. Self-reflection helps us create a clear perspective of ourselves and our future goals.

How to self reflect?

Everyone has different ways of self-reflection but these few can help everyone:

1) Self-talk: Talking to ourselves is a great way to become aware of ourselves. When we talk to ourselves we are free from the fear of being judged. We can accept our mistakes and shortcomings out loud. Hence, we can become more and more aware of our real selves.

Related: self-talk


Self-talk - Image source: images

2) Become aware of the surrounding: Look around yourself and understand the environment you are in. Then question in what circumstances are you the most comfortable and the best version of yourself. You'll understand the kind of surroundings that help you grow.

Related: being aware of your surroundings

3) Focus on past deeds and actions: Sit quietly and think of the past events, the decisions you made and how you felt about them. Think of the lessons that you learnt in the past so that they can help you in the future.

Reflecting back upon ourselves every once in a while is necessary in order to keep growing and moving forward in life. At the end of the day, spend a few minutes reflecting upon your actions and decisions of the day. Try to remember what you did wrong and make sure to not repeat it in the future.

You cannot have a meaningful life without having self-reflection. —Oprah Winfrey


Profile of Vishal Singh
Vishal Singh  •  5y  •  Reply
It's really nice
Profile of Yusra Lodi
Yusra Lodi  •  5y  •  Reply
Thank you!
Profile of Rachit Mishra
Rachit Mishra  •  5y  •  Reply
Beautiful! 😊
Profile of Yusra Lodi
Yusra Lodi  •  5y  •  Reply
Thank you💕