Feminism: It is a belief that all human beings should have equal rights and opportunities in economic, social, political or any other.
Although, multiple things have changed as compared to past but still there is a long way to achieve complete equality.
We cannot deny the fact that our women are still not independent after so many years of independence. Their rights and opportunities are still not identical as men.
Many people are not in the favour of idea of feminism because they are afraid that the men will lose their superiority, power and authority if women will be treated equally as men may be at home, job or buisnesses etc. The ideology that the women should stay at home, take care of children, fulfil all her domestic responsibility and men should earn for the family has not changed completely. But now women have become independent and steps out of the home and earns her livelihood. But in many places this is not supported and ideology is still the very same. People are against feminism because they think that this would bring a change in long standing traditions and beliefs. They often think that this would bring a negative impact in relationships, jobs and businesses.
We should not forget that "They are not just women but they are also human beings"
Women should have equal right as men not just because of sexes but also because even she is a human being. Equality should be achieved in employment, leadership or decision making, quality education, health etc. People often say you are woman you cannot do this just because they imply that women are undeserving or incapable. There are less wages paid to women in the jobs as compared to men for the equal work.
Why there is gender bias everywhere?
Even woman is a human being and she should have equal right, liberty and prerogatives as men.
Why can't there be choices for women rather than impositions?
The rights, responsibilities and the way she should live is even decided by the society.
Feminism cannot achieved by giving special reservations to women or providing seats in the public transport if she is standing.
We can't achieve feminism by just knowing about the sexual harassment case and just cursing the people who did that.
We can attain it by correcting wrong doings and things and promoting the right ones.
If we really want to support the idea of feminism the gender bias reservations should be stopped and one should get the opportunity because he / she deserves it. One should get seat in public transport not based on gender but because they have paid for it.
We need to believe that all the domestic responsibilities are not just of women but also of men equally.
Feminism is about getting respect not because she is someone's daughter, wife , mother or sister but as an individual. She should have her own identity and Individuality even after marriage. She does not have to choose between her domestic life and career.
Feminism is not about having equal rights, freedom and opportunities based on gender but as an individual.
So, let's take a step forward to bring a change and this may lead to a peaceful society for every person of any gender.