Swachh Bharat is a dream project of prime minister Narendra Modi. The programme started on 2 nd October 2014 on the birth anniversary of the father of nation Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was such a visionary leader that he understood the importance of cleanliness much before it became a nation wide drive. To accelerate this idea of swachchhta the prime minister took his birth anniversary to make it a full swing nationwide drive. Using social media ,the prime minister created huge impact and awareness among the common citizens. Earlier those who talked about sanitation and toilets were considered useless in villages and among communities. Now, under this dream project the government has made toilets across the country. The project has been running in two parts 1)Swachh Bharat (Urban) 2)Swachh Bharat (Rural) since 2014.Under this scheme the government has built 9.59 Crores toilets in rural India and 57.63 lakhs toilets in urban India.

This massive public sanitation drive has freed 618 districts from open toilets. It has freed around 5.61 lakhs villages from open toilets. This Abhiyaan has had impact on 30 states and union territories.

The government of India aims at accelerating nation towards swachh Bharat by 2 nd October 2019 .The government has set target to free India from open toilets by October 2019 ,the 150 th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. He was the man who thought swachchhta a mandatory task for everyone much before anyone saw. To commemorate his 150 th birth anniversary ,the government is all set to free India from dirtiness, open toilets. One of the major reasons for prime minister Narendra Modi's popularity was Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan mission 2019.Now,winning 300 plus seats in recently concluded Lok Sabha polls the prime minister is full of enthusiasm and passion to make this dream come true. There are a lot of programmes running to accomplish this goal.

