As I look out of my windows, I see a variety of trees, some sticking out their bare branches to sky, their fruits dried up, some having blossomed at the onset of summer, their new, tender leaves gleaming in the midday sun, some in full bloom, their brightly colored flowers lighting up the sky with their variety. Man's eye gets attracted only to something special, which is colorful or unique. As always, hardly drawing your attention to its appearance except at the time of bearing fruit.
And I wonder at nature, at the marvelous science behind the nature of things. All these trees grow, exposed to the same natural forces, the same soil, air, water, and climatic conditions yet they flower and bear fruit differently they shed at varying times of the year and have their specific life cycles. And that which determines the course of its life is the inherent nature of the tiny seed, which opened itself up to the elements of nature. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, will sow. And an apple seed can only grow into an apple tree even if it finds itself a mango orchard. Such is nature. But even so not all trees belonging to the same species are the same they also have certain common characteristics but also have their differences. Such is also the nature of man. Every human being born will have few inherited qualities in them which are unique. No two humans are alike though they are from the same parents.
Every child is different and siblings though they draw essentially from the same gene pool rarely possess the same nature. Even though they grow under a shared roof, exposed to the same environment they are emotionally and psychologically different individuals. Mans nature once objectively understood, can be consciously and carefully honed and evolved with positive and gentle nurturing without affecting the core. Every individual is unique and given the lease of time opportunities and exposure will blossom and express his nature. Life isn't a race. God is the sole creator of this universe and our fate is written by him which cannot be changed. So, don't ever feel low for something you don't have which others are having. Springtime is always a celebration whether it comes early or late. Every tree every flower has a season. Everyone will experience springtime in their lives, not just once but over and over.