Climate Change And Why It's Important.

Shaswat Anand
Oct 02, 2019   •  9 views

Climate Change and why it's important. -By Shaswat Anand

Many of you must have heard Greta Thunberg and may it had been an eye opening video. But do all still dare to stop using carbon fuel or worked for stopping a thermal power station. The carbon emissions are slowly killing us and destroying lives. We are a self destructive species and only reason for our extinction will be us. The Governments and the Congress everyone know this but still they are so self centered that they don't want to do something. It's a time to act not a time to stop. If we don't act on our environment, the environment will start acting on us. We will be finished by global warming and soon earth will be converted into mars. It takes a little to shout and point a finger to others but what have you done? Just do a self introspection and think how many times you have done something for the environment. Ecosystems are getting destroyed it's high time to act. Let the government talk and talk, you just do something everyday for your existence because you can't let others decide your future. Take the work on your shoulders for your future. Major cities will be submerged in water due to melting of icecaps. These cities could be you're home or your friends, family or relatives. Oh! Just leave your self centric mind and think of people suffering this. This all needs to be stopped and demands your work not only your attention. Climate change also caused change in the rainfall patterns. Every year there is situation of flood in various parts of India and the world. Not only this rainfall just vanishes from some areas causing drought. A major reason behind all these is cutting of trees. Large areas of forests are cut down every year for industrialization or agriculture or civilization. This is stopping transpiration from trees thus changing rainfall patterns. Not only this trees also take in the carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas. Thus cooling our earth to the extent it is required. So I request everyone who reads to at least take some measures to stop climate change. This could be car pooling, planting trees, using renewable sources of energy or by any other way possible.

