Steve Paul Jobs was born on Feb twenty-four, 1955, in the metropolis, California.
After birth, Steve was decided to adopt someone. The first couple who were selected to adopt Steve was educated and rich but suddenly he had a desire to adopt a girl instead of a boy.

After this, Steve was adopted by Paul and Clara. Steve's real mother wanted her son to get an educated family but Paul was a mechanic and Clara was the accountant and both of them did not complete the college but Clara, now the mother of Steve, promised her real mother that she will teach Steve in college at any cost.

The father of Steve Jobs opened a garage to run the house and commenced from constant Steve and Electronic tour.

Steve began to tease with the electronic and commenced to concentrate on them.
They stone-broke one thing initial then accustomed add.
Steve jobs were good however they didn't wish to attend college.
In most schools, they used to do mischief, but due to the brainchild of the teachers, teachers talked about getting them in high altitude before the time but the parents of Steve refused.

Struggles in life

At the age of thirteen, he met Steve Wozniak. Wozniak's mind was too fast and he loved the electronic too, perhaps that's why both of them soon became friends.

Wozniak was always interested in the computer, then he made a computer that was named 'Apple' in Steve's little para's garage, both of them sold their own goods and collected money and converted their passions into reality and once all this was happening, Steve's age was only 21.

In 10 years, 'Apple' became a well-known company, earning billions of dollars, but as soon as the launch of Apple III and Lisa, people did not appreciate these two. Consequently, the company suffered losses, lots of losses, Unfortunately, Steve was held responsible for this, and on September 17, 1985, the company's Board of Directors stepped out of Steve's company.

Turning Point

After that, only the fate of Steve Jobs was opened. His company earned so much that in 1986, Steve bought a graphics company with $ 10 million and named him 'Pixar'.

After this Steve didn't recall in life.
When Pixar got beside filmmaker, this company touched the seventh sky of success.

Apple lost the company's loss, Apple bought Next from $ 477 million, and Steve Jobs became Apple's corporate executive.

It was at this time that Apple removed unique product such as iPod and Apple's first mobile phone in 2007, which spread the revolution in the mobile phone market. That phone was sold out in hand and Steve Jobs became Star.

Between happiness and success, he had a cancer-like illness, which was discovered in October 2003. Her first surgery was done in July 2004. Things deteriorated - deteriorating so much that their liver transplant in April 2009 and they breathed their last on October 5, 2011.

