NASA had launched the Solar Parker Probe on 12th August 2018 at 3:31 a.m. EDT (7:30 UTC). The primary science goals for the mission are to trace the flow of energy and understand the heating of the solar corona and toexplorewhat accelerates the solar wind. Parker Solar Probe provides a statistical survey of the outer corona.

Mission specialties

One of the major features of this mission is that Parker Solar Probe will use Gravity of Venus as a nearby planet while traveling near the sun. During the entire mission, this vehicle will pass through Venus for about seven times.

The scientist associated with the mission says that there is currently no technology to save the vehicle and the machines involved in it from the scorching sun. In spite of this, the shield has been put under the protection of the vehicle. This shield has been installed on the upper part of the vehicle. Because of this, the machine inside the vehicle can be quite cold.

Features of Parker Solar Probe

• About $ 1.5 billion (10 thousand million rupees) is being spent by NASA on Parker Solar probe mission.

• This vessel will reach the Sun's orbit in 2024, after which it will gather information by staying close to it for another year.

• NASA will install this vehicle at a distance of just 61 lakh kilometers from the Sun.

• Its size is equal to a small car and it is 9.10 feet long.

• It weighs 612 kg.

• Probe equipped with special equipment will take many pictures near the sun.

• Parker Probe will study electric and magnetic fields, corona plasma and particles present in the atmosphere.

The first closest mission

This is NASA's first mission that has been sent so close to the Sun. The temperature and radiation here are more than ours. The light which often appears around the moon during the complete solar eclipse is actually Corona. NASA has great expectations from this mission. The success of this mission will be able to answer many types of questions. Apart from this, it will also help in understanding the Sun closer.

Shield of the Parker PRobe

This shield is about 4.5 inches thick and it is composed of carbon composite foam. This shield will have a temperature of around 2500 degrees Fahrenheit while the temperature inside the vessel is about 85 degrees Fahrenheit. NASA named the mission after Dr. Yugen Parker.

He was the first solar physician who talked about the fast and hot winds moving on the sun in 1958. Parker will also face this by passing through the sun's corona. Corona's own temperature is millions of degrees.

