In today's scenario, the smartphone has become a necessity. Like a coin it also has its two phases; one side is positive and other is negative. The radiations from these smartphones are told to be harmful. Let's have a brief look towards it.

Following harms can happen

  • Daily 50 minutes of continuous use of mobile can harm the nerve cells.

  • Mobile phone radiation can also be cause for Cancer.

Still, no strong evidence to claim

Very often we get the news in which it is told that smartphones are the key cause for Brain Tumor and other serious diseases. However, according to experts till now it hasn't been proved in any research that anyone had Cancer, brain tumour or any other severe chronic disease due to Mobile phones. However, it is being advised not to use the phone which releases radiation more than defined level ( 1.6 W/kg ).

How to prevent?

•Keep away from the body:- Try to avoid the contact of the phone on the body as minimum as possible. Never put your phone in the pocket of your shirt or T-shirt. However, keeping in pant's pocket is also not suitable. Keeping in a bag is appropriate.

•More use of Landline:- If you are working in an office, try to keep your phone on the desk and use the landline for communication purpose. And try to apply same at home also.

•Switch off if not required:- I know it's being quite tremendous to follow this but try to do so how much you can. Put your phone switch off during your sleeping time at night.

•Use speaker:- It would be better if you use a speaker or hands-free while having called. If it is not possible then try to put phone around 1-2 cm away from your ears.

•Use the messaging app:- Try to use WhatsApp or other messaging tools for frequent conversations instead of calls.

