The essence of relationship is treating each other equally and giving respect to whom you love. Relationship is something which we can’t even define in words it is the mutual attraction or self unconditional love. There are certain things that all healthy relationships require like the foremost thing is trust ifyou don’t have trust in your relationship then gradually your healthy relationship gets fadeaway with time. And the second most thing is good communication. Trust and communication are the necessary things which every relationshipwants whether it is relationship between two lovers, between family members, between two friends etc.

“Love doesn’t make the world go around. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”

Communication is something which holds together a relationship and saves it from outsiders who wants to ruin your relationship if you have good communication with each other then mis-understandings automatically sides away and transparency awakes in your relationship. Communication is just the phenomenon in which the two persons understand each other more accurately and also knows about his/her feelings for everything small and big issues and this is all which every relationship wants.



Profile of Khushi B
Khushi B  •  4y  •  Reply
Yes! Communication is the key to any relationship.