The Unsung Hero Of Our Success

Vishal Jain
May 27, 2019   •  40 views

All of us spend our life working hard, working here and there, day and night non-stop so that we may get success. Our success brings joy and happiness to us, our parents, our fam and our friends. People recognize the students, their parents, their fam that all of them have done so well, ..sacrificed almost everything for their child, spend a lot of money for them and all. Throughout all this process the person or persons that remain unnoticed, are the Friends 😍. Friends are a blessing, probably a wizard in everyone’s life😅.

You get success, you will be recognized, your efforts will be, your way of studying and everything about you would turn out to be motivation for others. Your Parents’ sacrifice, expenditure on you will get well and due attention, your Teachers would get fame😅but the person that remains hidden is your friend 😄.

Friend– a word easy to spell but very much difficult to express . Friendship- a heavenly bond in which we all get struck with others unintentionally. Probably the first and last bond which none of us want to leave at any cost. Friendship is not a contract, its an emotion which not everyone of us possess. Thus you cant be friends by saying that you want to be friend with him or her and you cant end it by telling them that you want to end it up all. Its a feeling, an internal feeling to do something to everything for a person that is very close to you😃. Maintaining Friendship is an art that only few of us possess. Its not harsh as responsibility and not as simple as your daily routine 😉, its something beyond this.

The guys with whom you can be yourself without hesitation is your true friend. The person who was with you at times when you needed someone to lighten up your mood , to free yourself out of stress😄 , the one who believes in you more than you and let you believe in yourself with sheer confidence , probably the one after parents who is more happy with your success and the one who usually spares his time out so that you can feel free . A proper Painkiller and Stressbuster 😎of our life.

But the irony is that he or she is the only one that remains undisclosed, remains hidden all their life but had done their part in making us – A Unique personality 🤗

