Those tiny, cute little yellow beings who never fail to make one laugh with their silly bankers and sarcastic demeanor, being loved by kids and adults alike are the Minions. Their level of popularity can be analysed by seeing the vast amount of minion merchandise like t-shirts, soft toys, bags, wallpapers, mobile cases, and much more available in markets. Created to serve the most evil masters of all times, these goofballs maybe playfully evil, but not the hardcore ones. These fictitious characters actually provide us with much needed comic relief.

Apart from boasting off their particular skills, like stretch-suit of Bob, serving their masters, being sarcastic all the time and craving bananas, theseadorable little freaks have many admirable traits too.

This is a collection of minion-mindful-talks and what lessons these insanely famous characters teach us.

The first and foremost quality they advertise is that of teamwork. Bob, Stuart and Kevin are perfect examples for the phrase - 'one for all and all for one'. They might keep on playing silly tricks on each other, but when the time comes to unite and face a problem, they are at one side, as one team, partners in crime ;)

For any endeavor to succeed, teamwork is the main requirement. As it's said, leadership skills work their magic only in the group which is a team. Hence, these minions teach us the key skills of partnership, collaboration and coordination. Certainly, alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!

Secondly, one thing we enjoy about them is the fact that they've got n number of tricks up their sleeves. And, they aren't the ones to shy away from playing them out! What we can learn from this is that they never hesitate to do what they have to in order to achieve their goals.

One reason we don't act upon our plans is the fear to fail. Or the fear of what others would say, or what if we don't get optimum results.

Minion-mindful-talks say, screw all such baseless fears, for failure is actually the First Attempt In Learning. As Kevin says, "If you don't do stupid things when you are young, you won't have anything to smile about when you're old". Now that's the easy way of putting this fear of hesitation away.

Another noteworthy thing is the fact that after indulging in these hesitations and fears, we regret these decisions later! We basically tend to complicate simple things, and how silly is that!

The minion-philosophy specifies the exact solution for this problem - Life is too short to worry about stupid things. Have fun, fall in love, regret nothing and don't let people bring you down.

