We all have that one structured strength built within us. No matter what made it or who made it, at the end, it was all our very own courage that constructed it to the level which ever it is situated.

Not every power is visible on the surface. Every thought within us has the power. They are discovered when life leads you to that point. One such powerful strength is a swing. A swing, a mother creates for her child. The one she carries. The one that stretches her. The one that breaks her. The one that hurts her. The one she ties to any support with her love and her trust.

There are hundreds and millions of mothers in and around each of us who work. Beginning with the house chores to the cooperate to the entrepreneurs. But ever seen their eyes without any pointed movement when the child is around? An impossible task assured. A mother is seen working on the fields. Her eyes glow as she gets busy with the work. Not because she is a complete happy soul. But because the heat is not bared by her not so healthy body. Even in that huge sun burning work place, she finds that one tiny shade for her life. She ties a cloth to that one of the few lowered branches of the tree and makes sure her heart is safe in it. With the trust she has on the unharmful tree and the cloth attached to it, she finds a safe and escape from the sun for her child. The baby sleeps with the tiny fingers and hands folded. A slight relief for the mother. For, that’s her future lying on the swinging cradle. How could there be a complete point of relief after all? The tiny legs and hands finally relax. And this sight is a mixture of feelings. A feel of calmness, a feel of success, a feel of coolness. With the cool mind, she moves out of the shade into the heat for a living. These are not any rare scenes. Every street would have these stories to speak about. A million stories are unspoken still they tend to speak through their own very lives when history is created. But not every star becomes a visible shining one.

These stories are never given a chance. And when they do, the world seems like a universe of stars full of stories. She suffers, bears every inch of hardship to bring one into the life. Not just to bring in but throughout till her end. She finds happiness in every struggle and trouble she faces from the very moment she stops living for herself and then for her tiny growing you. Not much appreciated but to be appreciated struggle when you start living for someone else without any expectation.

The swing she ties for any safety place for her child is the safest. For, she knows that her tie isn’t going to loosen up. That’s the strength of the umbilical cord. That’s the strength of the swing.



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