I am here sharing some ways and my opinion to lead a happy life☺️
1) Smile
Smiling always work to cope with problems. It just adds a little more positive vibes into our life
2)Live in the present
Cherish present moments..don't dwell in past as we can't change it..and don't overthink about future. See how can you make best use of present time.
3) Be with happy people
All of us have atleast that one person in our life with whom we feel happier.so talk and be with the person who makes you feel good.
4)Connect with nature
Nature has a healing power in it. As you roam in gardens, you will notice some nice things. Admire nature's beauty and let that fresh air go inside.. definitely it helps.
5) Cultivate a hobby
Identify a hobby in yourself and after say a week give some time to it. It could be anything like painting, playing an instrument or dancing. Slowly, they make us feel satisfied and merry.
6)Early riser and exercise
Waking up early impacts us massively. Plus doing exercise in the wee hours for 15 minutes just makes our body ready for the day's chores apart from keeping us fit.
7) Feel grateful
Not everyone has all the things which you merely notice in life. So always be grateful to God for his blessings. Be thankful for all you have.
8) Philanthropy
Just doing some charity works adds meaning to our life. All are busy, but atleast once in a while do some philanthropic work, it will make you feel contented and helps in having a wider outlook for life. Humanity is the biggest duty.