The Place Of Fascinating Illusion

Ananya Gupta
Jun 13, 2019   •  31 views

Do not be carried away

By the brands the media shows

They are not the products at all

Do you understand what brands are about? Brands are like people. Their placement and prestige in the market depends very much on the company they keep. In reality the brand is not about the product at all. The brands give us our identity. They make us look attractive. Brands used by heroes and heroines are more attractive because we want to be like the heroes and heroines who use them. For example, a soap is a soap and a shampoo is a shampoo. Except for the fragrance, all have the same basic ingredients. Yet, in the advertisement, the soap you choose is meant to indicate the kind of person you are!

Brands entice user to shell out more money and therefore, to feel they are exclusive, apart from the crowd and above the rest. In fact, Media is using us for its own benefit. The more expensive the brand is, the more expensive the packaging. We are made to believe that the gift is better when the wrapping are expensive. But very often we end up paying for its wrapping.

It is true that teenager want to be different. They are in search of their identity. They want to be apart from the crowd, above the rest. They look for role models everywhere, specially in Media. Media in turn goes on creating needs and we believe them to be real. In the Ad for a popular soft drink, the character appears to be smiling as soon as he takes a sip. In reality, do we smile when we drink soft drinks? We know we don't. Why then do we get hooked by Media's messages? Let us be aware that we are growing up, we can stand on our own, we can select what is best for us. We do not need to be carried away by the Media waves.

It is very difficult to live up to the demand of the brands even though they fascinate us unduly. The cost very often does not match our income. The brands do not give us our identity. Our senses are lulled into illusion making us believe that the mask is reality.

Media is powerful because it has the ability to reach out to a larger number of people simultaneously. Sound and sight are put together to create a true impression in the human mind. It makes you feel that what you see on the screen is 100% truth, it's all reality. Have you the courage to distinguish between what is real and and unreal? Is there anything in your life to show that you are a slave to the Media messages?

• Media creates needs.

• Use Media, do not allow Media to use you.

• Think before you buy.



Profile of Manoj Kumar Gupta
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Profile of Ananya Gupta
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Thanks @Ruhin Kapoor
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